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Premium Bonds prize checker

days to go
Next results available 4 March

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Illustration of a magnifying glass

Who won in February?

See how many winners we had, how much they won, where they live in the UK and more.

This month’s millionaires are from


(£50,000 invested)


(£10,000 invested)

Prize fund


No. of prizes


Graphic of noise

“Alexa, have I won?”

Check prizes for the whole family using just your voice.

Couple dancing in the kitchen

You’ve got to sit down, I’m going to tell you something

The day James became a millionaire (and nearly didn't find out).

Illustration of a holiday presents

Buy Premium Bonds for a child under 16, starting from only £25. And they could win up to £1 million.

If you, or someone whose account you look after, need extra support we're here to help